Sunday, March 15, 2009

Middle of March....

I'm completely amazed that it is the middle of much has happened over the weeks. We had our first emergerncy room visit - Connor stuck a ball up his nose. I honestly have to say that I didn't think my kid was going to fall into that statistic - I was shocked. It happened on a Sunday afternoon - I had just got out of the shower after going for a run and Tim left to go run some errands (naturally I would be all on my own for the 1st time). I was starting to get stuff out for dinner and was on the phone when I heard a distressed Connor. I went to his room and the first thing I saw was his finger up his nose (unfortunately this is not an usual occurrence) with his other hand flailing about.....when he saw me he cried "I can't get it out"! I saw the bulge at the top of his right nostril and immediately hung up the phone. So after a phone call to my mom and holding Connor's wrists in one hand and carrying Teagan with my opposite arm I grabbed my shoes, sweatshirt, Teagan's diaper bag and we were out the door. Oh and Connor was still in his pj's b/c it had been a lazy day. I gave him 3 capri suns to hold - needed something to keep that finger out of his nose. The ride wasn't too bad - we talked about cranes and what all they could move. He did ask at one time why both my blinkers were on. We pulled into the ER with my mom and Tim waiting for us. While we were waiting for the doctor Connor started to freak out so I picked him up and held his arms down. He started holding his breath (what he does at times when he is extremely upset) and what do you know - the ball popped out all on its own.

Our other happenings is that Miss Teagan is almost walking. She easily goes from one object/person to another and takes a good 6 steps on her own before she sits down to crawl. I'm going to guess that in another month she'll be fairly good at it.

Timbo and I went to the Home and Garden show today. We looked at safe rooms/fraidy rooms. I think we've decided to go with the one that is bolted down in your garage.

Another fun thing (for me at least) is that we went and bought a jogging stroller yesterday. We used it at the home and garden show - I loved the way it handled there. Teag is napping now, but I'm planning on taking her for a little jaunt when she wakes up.

I know most of you really check out my site for the pictures, so I'll end this and try to post a few.


Holly Lashley said...

I laughed out loud with this story---can't wait til Addy starts sticking stuff up her nose other than her finger. Fun times!

Megan P said...

Oh my gosh that is so crazy! Poor Connor!! So glad it came out on it's own eventually, though!!

I was totally picturing you rushing out of the house and then talking to C all about the cranes to keep him occupied... too cute!

Drew shot popcorn kernels at little Megan when they were younger and Megan tried to do it back and got a bunch stuck up her nose... it required a trip to the ER, too!