Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Visiting Santa

This was truly an experience.....Connor likes Santa Claus, but has no interest in actually talking to the man in person. I thought I had an "in" this year....we had a plan to go to the "BIG Toy Store" (aka Toys R Us) and look around at all the toys and then head across the street to the mall to tell Santa what we saw. Great plan in theory. Connor wanted to head home right when we walked out of fantasy land (toys r us) and was extremely unhappy when he was informed we were still going b/c Teagan and Jack (Shannon and Jack joined us on this outing....power in numbers) wanted to see Santa. We've (Connor and I) both had our better days. Below are some pictures from the fun-filled event.

Connor when we first got in line....now it wasn't even a long line - we had to wait maybe 10 minutes. Below is Jack - he just cracks me up b/c he seems to be indifferent about Sant....he could take him or leave him.

Me and the kiddos

Shannon with Teagan and Jack (Connor was too busy not being happy about being in line to participate in party pics).

Jack with Santa

Teagan with Santa

I forgot Teagan's stroller so Shannon rented this one for us......yes, for those who really know me, I was freaking out (on the inside) about Teagan chewing on the steering wheel.

When she finally stopped chewing on it she actually looked like she was trying to steer -- too cute!

1 comment:

Holly Lashley said...

You know, Teagan probably boosted her immune system after chewing on that steering wheel. It's good to know my child is not the only one who is "strong willed" when things don't exactly turn out like they plan.